Twizel Trip Useful Info

Twizel Trip Useful Info

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    CFFC Show Weekend Twizel Trip 2015 Thursday 12th November to 15th November 2015. 2 nights accomodation and 2 evening meals at the combined services club are included in the price

    We have put this info together to assist people and hopefully maximise everyone’s enjoyment at the flagship annual trip to Twizel. An area with a huge variety of fishing for the fly fisher in the many rivers ,lakes and streams as well as canals. It has its own micro climate so can be different from the rest of the country

    We hope this note covers the format of what to expect, a bit on club etiquette and hopefully helps you better prepare for the trip. There will be a further update with contact details for the travelling members and where we are all staying etc etc which will be added to this once Marty has completed it

    The trip is to help and encourage members new to fly fishing and the club to catch their first fish so whether you are new to club trips or an old hand we want to ensure that you will enjoy your time away. The trips are a great way to socialise, during the trip we will match up new members to the club (“first timers”) to “mentors” and venues so that we can all have a good time, learn new things , meet new people and ……….. hopefully ( those who haven’t caught a fish before) catch that first fish!

    We encourage you to share transport, so get on the phone and ring someone or use the club forum and don’t be shy if you need a ride or you want to share a ride.

    It would assist us if you can let us know your transport arrangements a few days prior to setting off ie if your travelling with someone or taking your own

    It is not important to share a ride with someone from the same house, the houses are close to each other.

    People leave at differing times eg some will want to leave on Thursday morning to enable some extra fishing time; others will be travelling after work. The travelling time is about 3 ½ hrs from Christchurch. If fishing on the way, let someone know when you are supposed to arrive so they can raise the alarm if you don’t check in (in the unfortunate case there are any mishaps )

    Please remember drive safely !

    TRAVEL COSTS: If you getting a lift , please discuss with the person driving when arranging the ride and OFFER THE MONEY TO THE DRIVER UPFRONT ! eg WHEN YOU GET IN THE CAR.
    No driver likes asking for petrol money and THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE TOO ASK!.
    As with travel to Twizel, people with 4-wheel drive vehicles do a lot of running around on the trip. If you get a ride to a “spot” with anyone please OFFER SOME GAS MONEY up front. People will appreciate it and be more than willing to take you out again. Generally $15 or $20 is not unreasonable depending on the distance, even if there are a few of you!

    You will be remembered if you catch a ride and don’t help pay.

    As this trip is primarily to help new members meet existing members and learn more about fly-fishing. We have try to mix the houses with new and not so new members. Whoever you are staying with we are sure you will enjoy their company and learn something new, regardless of how long you have been fishing.Some folks are early to bed after a hard day on the water whilst others stay up and talk fishing , tall tales and flies over a few sherbets

    ITS ALL HANDS ON DECK for the Clean Ups

    This trip is for everyone and you are reminded that everyone is expected to pitch in with setting up and cleaning up after meals, etc.

    NON PARTICIPATION IS NOT AN OPTION whether thats in setting up or cleaning up.

    Your assistance with this is appreciated.


    We have again been able to secure some very nice properties. As always can you all ensure that you make the effort to keep the houses clean and tidy and ensure that they are left clean and tidy.

    The trip costs have been calculated so that they are spread equally amongst members regardless of what house they stay in.

    Whilst most houses provide some bedding and pillows, we would advise you to bring a sleeping bag and a pillow.


    This year we will provide rubbish bags for each property and ask you to ensure that you bag up all the rubbish !

    This will either have to be taken back with us at the end of the trip (as the dump is closed on the Sunday) or other arrangements will be made to collect and dispose of the rubbish in Twizel at a later date (this will be announced at the meetings in Twizel )


    Please DO NOT use any of the food items which are owned by the house owner.

    The club has arranged Friday and Saturday night meals at the Twizel Information centre, 161 McKenzie Drive

    You provide your own food for Thursday’s dinner as well as for breakfasts (including tea, coffee and milk for your cereal) and lunches.[/B] Most people eat at the local pub on Thursday evening or pick something up on the way to Twizel.


    Combined Services Club provide evening meals on Friday and Saturday night. Dinner will be served each night at 7:30pm .

    Other than money for the bar (very reasonably priced) all you need to bring is your sense of humour.

    It goes without saying , good manners are expected so that we all have a good time !

    PLEASE try to be there on time otherwise it means a late night for the catering staff who have to get the place cleared, cleaned ready for opening to the following day.

    What to Bring ?

    The following list (not in any order of importance) is a basic idea of what you may want to bring. It is important to keep warm down there as the weather can be great but it can turn quickly. Wet wading is the standard for a lot of people however (not a good idea in jeans or gum boots) When standing around in the lakes , its not warm at any time of year (unless of course you want to turn blue) so take some “easy drying” trousers /shorts and poly props. If you can get your hands on some waders you will appreciate them if the weather turns cold or you fish a lake.
    Remember layers etc can always be taken off but only if you have them with you.

    Fly reel (Floating Line) Tippet Fly rod (6 weight should cover most situations) Polaroid’s
    Wading boots
    Poly Props
    Breakie&Lunch food
    Glad Wrap

    As indicated this is a very general non exhaustive list.

    If you are unsure what flies to take, try the fishermans loft or complete angler before you go or post a question on the forum,

    People will give you a few tips .There will be limited tackle available if you get caught out while in Twizel.


    After consultation with Central South Island F&G, we will be continuing with our cleaning regime.

    Therefore please bring 3 sets of clothes with you (unless you are using waders) and ensure you use a fresh set each day.

    PLEASE CONTINUE WITH YOUR CLEANING REGIME, Experienced members please help the new guys with how to best clean their gear.


    The list (when it comes out) gives details of who’s staying where and will also have details of where the key can be located


    On Sunday morning please ensure the house you are staying in is cleaned well. These families have allowed us to use their holiday homes and we need to respect them to be able to use them in future years.

    Also, the “House leader” will need to ensure that all club items are checked off the checklist and returned to Marty by 9.00am on Sunday morning. Please don’t be late as we still have to dump rubbish before towing a heavy trailer home!


    Come along expecting to have fun and YOU WILL!!!!!!


    If we can help in any way please feel free to contact

    Martin Clements or David Reid


    The meetings are a highlight of the trip and an opportunity for members to discuss the days fishing (non members will be asked to leave ) We will get people to discuss there exploits and plan for the next days fishing. On Saturday night we will have a quiz which is always a laugh and very popular so get swatting !

    As the club is safety conscious, if you intend drinking alcohol , there is a courtesy van at the club so ring for a lift or walk to the meetings. All accommodation is relatively close to the venue (plus the local policemen is very vigilant)

    Meeting Format

    First meetin: Thursday evening at 8:30pm (sharp) subsequent meetings start earlier

    On Thursday night we have the “DRAW “ for who goes where with who

    i.e. All the “first timers” and those who would like to be mentored will go in one bucket, all the “mentors” in another bucket.

    Once the draws complete , there will be a “transfer window” so to speak where there can be some swapping to ensure (after all we want it to be enjoyable) If you cannot make the Thursday evening meeting please let me know in advance as we will be organising mentors and fishing spots. that night.

    Friday Night after dinner,

    A roundup of the days fishing, discussion on any fishing issues challenges encountered on the day and tips to pass on , a raffle and a we hope to have a photo competition plus possibly a few jokes with maybe a few spot prizes for the best ones.

    Saturday Nigh after dinner,

    Bamber Gasgoyne AKA Tony Calder will organise us into teams and be nipping our melons with fishing quiz which will be completed on the night. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and possibly a prize for the worst team.


    A Trophy will be presented to the First Timer who catches the biggest fish over Friday and Saturday, A photo from the mentor must accompany any claim

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